I was researching difference lists and found the DList
newtype DList a = DL { unDL :: [a] -> [a] }
and the function
dlToList :: DList a -> [a]
dlToList = ($[]) . unDL
I am wondering what is the non point free version of the function and what does ($[])
The first step in seeing into a point-free definition of a function is to revert the η-reduction:
dlToList = ($[]) . unDL
dlToList dl = (($[]) . unDL) dl
Then you start applying to the composition-chain, right-to-left:
dlToList dl = ($[]) (unDL dl)
You could then unpack the operator section†
dlToList dl = unDL dl $ []
However, keeping the ($[])
as it is actually makes sense, because this is the essential converter between difference lists and ordinary lists: it takes a [a]->[a]
-prepender-function and applies it to the terminator []
, resulting in a concrete list.
dlToList dl = unDL dl []
which, incidentally, could be made point-free again in a shorter manner:
dlToList = (`unDL`[])