I have the following query, that I ran on the wikidata query service web interface:
SELECT ?objectLabel ?mass
?object wdt:P397 wd:Q525. # the object should have the sun as parent astronomical body
?object wdt:P31 ?status.
?object wdt:P2067 ?mass.
# Here are the accepted object status
VALUES ?status {wd:Q128207 wd:Q121750 wd:Q1319599}. # terrestrial planet, gas giant, ice giant
# automatically use the english label for ?xLabel variables
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
I found that the mass value is given in a specific unit, yottagram in case of the Earth. How can I access this information ?
I tried to add something like:
?mass wdt:P2237 ?mass_unit.
But, expectedly, this doesn't work because ?mass
is an integer, not an object referencing the Earth mass.
Using the property itself as a subject doesn't work neither:
?object wdt:P2067 ?mass.
wd:P2067 wdt:P2237 ?massUnit.
This returns all tuples with all available units. (Earth is associated with 5972.37 kilograms, 5972.37 yottagrams, 5972.37 solar mass, etc)
Also, chaining the properties leads to no results:
?object wdt:P2067/wdt:P2237 ?massUnit.
I imagine that I need to use, not the property itself, but an instance of it linking specifically the Earth and the integer that describes its mass.
How access the unit information ? (in case of Earth, Yottagram)
How Wikidata is represented in RDF (and thus in SPARQL) is described at MediaWiki.org page Wikibase/Indexing/RDF Dump Format.
The relevant part is that, in your case, wdt:P2067
directly gives you just the value, but if you instead use p:P2067
, you get the whole statement. From there, you can use psv:P2067
to get a value node. And from there, you can use wikibase:quantityAmount
to get the mass (just like you could with wdt:P2067
), but you can also use wikibase:quantityUnit
to get the entity representing the unit.
So, the whole query could look like this:
SELECT ?objectLabel ?mass ?massUnitLabel
?object wdt:P397 wd:Q525. # the object should have the sun as parent astronomical body
?object wdt:P31 ?status.
?object p:P2067/psv:P2067 ?massValue.
?massValue wikibase:quantityAmount ?mass.
?massValue wikibase:quantityUnit ?massUnit.
# Here are the accepted object status
VALUES ?status {wd:Q128207 wd:Q121750 wd:Q1319599}. # terrestrial planet, gas giant, ice giant
# automatically use the english label for ?xLabel variables
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
If you wanted, you could eliminate the ?massValue
variable by using the following code:
?object p:P2067/psv:P2067 [
wikibase:quantityAmount ?mass;
wikibase:quantityUnit ?massUnit ]