I am attempting to install the following files (mathiasbynens dotfiles) on a remote server using ansible.
Here is the roles/dotfiles/tasks/main.yml file contents:
- name: Flag if dotfiles directory exists
stat: path=/home/path/dotfiles
register: dotfilesdirectory
- name: Remove old dotfiles directory
file: path=/home/path/dotfiles state=absent
when: dotfilesdirectory.stat.exists
register: olddirectoryremoved
- name: Clone repository
git: repo=https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles.git dest=/home/path/dotfiles
when: not dotfilesdirectory.stat.exists or olddirectoryremoved|success
register: repositorycloned
- name: Instantiate dotfiles
shell: source bootstrap.sh
chdir: /home/path/dotfiles
executable: /bin/bash
when: repositorycloned|success
And I am getting the following output when running the playbook and using -vvvv:
fatal: [ready]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "bootstrap.sh", "delta": "0:00:00.003190", "end": "2016-04-17 12:25:22.480491", "failed": true, "invocation": {"module_args": {"_raw_params": "bootstrap.sh", "_uses_shell": true, "chdir": "/home/path/dotfiles", "creates": null, "executable": "/bin/bash", "removes": null, "warn": true}, "module_name": "command"}, "rc": 127, "start": "2016-04-17 12:25:22.477301", "stderr": "/bin/bash: bootstrap.sh: command not found", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": [], "warnings": []}
Any idea what I am doing wrong? All I want to do is run the shell command of source
with the argument of bootstrap.sh
when I am in the dotfiles directory (i.e. source /home/path/dotfiles/bootstrap.sh
). Everything I try either causes the script to hang when it gets to the last task on the list, or to error out with the error message above.
Thanks in advance!
Did you look at the content of bootstrap.sh? You don't want to source that file. You should execute it as follows
./bootstrap.sh --force
Or if you really need to source it (probably not as an Ansible task) you could do exactly as it says in the README.md file
set -- -f; source bootstrap.sh