We have Postgres as our backend database . Our process runs some job(i.e it does some insert/update in DB) and then sleep for an hour.
This what we have noticed. While the time our process is sleeping our Postgres connection status is seen as idle.
postgres 5045 0.3 0.4 231220 33780 ? Ss 12:13 0:16 postgres: scp scp_test x.x.x.x(60400) idle
Now my question is?
If, I have a process that sleep for an hour .
Does Postgres close the idle connection after some time?
Because on the next run the process is not able to insert/update any record in DB.
Here how my code looks like.
$logger = Logger.new('log/checker.log')
last_modified = Time.now
if (last_modified == File.mtime(file_path))
$logger.info "Sleeping for 1 hour"
sleep 3600
$logger.info "Inserting the file mtime changed .."
last_modified = File.mtime(file_path)
$logger.info "File modified ....."
attributes = Test.testFile(file_path)
index = 0
$logger.info "........Index set......"
header_attributes = attributes.shift
$logger.info "...........Header removed..........."
trailer_attributes = attributes.pop
$logger.info "...Trailer removed......."
count = attributes.count
$logger.info "............Count calculated #{count} ........."
attributes.each_slice(50000) { |records|
_records = initialize_records(records)
_records.each { |record|
index += 1
$logger.info "Inserting ...... [#{index}/#{count}]"
$logger.info "Completed insertion of #{count}"
Tested this with
Ruby-2.2.2 - ActiveRecord-4.2.6 - pg-0.18.0
Ruby-2.3.0 - ActiveRecord-4.2.6 - pg-0.18.0
Jruby- - ActiveRecord-4.2.6 - activerecord-jdbc-adapter
Postgres version.
PostgreSQL 9.4.5 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 4.9.2-10) 4.9.2, 64-bit
(1 row)
There is 1 difference between Ruby and JRuby output?
While both processes get stuck after they wake up from sleep
The Ruby process dies with PG::UnableToSend: SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected
but JRuby process gets stuck forever(doesn't die).
Not sure where the issue is, since I can't pin point at any specific library or code at this point.
Note: Works perfectly fine on a loopback interface. The postgres server in question is remote one..
Inside the data folder there is a file called postgresql.conf
you have to configure it to send keepalive
message to the client. Read this for more info.
Configuring postgresql.conf
Your postgresql.conf
file should have a line like this tcp_keepalives_idle
If you want to send keepalive
message to the client computer for every 5 minutes; Update tcp_keepalives_idle
line like this
tcp_keepalives_idle = 300
Make sure to uncomment that line by removing the # mark.