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Matlab Mex compilation error

I’m using the Random Forest library for Matlab (link). I’m using it for classification. On Windows it works very well out of the box (precombiled mex files) but I also want to run it on a CentOS cluster.

I have tried to compile it on the cluster by executing make mex but I’m getting an error. The output is as follows:

rm twonorm_test -rf
rm  tempbuild/*.o *.o -rf
rm *~ -rf
rm *.mexw32 twonorm_test -rf
rm *.mexa64 -rf
rm classRF -rf
rm *.exe -rf
echo 'Compiling classTree.cpp'
Compiling classTree.cpp
g++ -fpic -O2 -funroll-loops -msse3 -c src/classTree.cpp -o tempbuild/classTree.o
echo 'Compiling Cokus (random number generator)'
Compiling Cokus (random number generator)
g++ -fpic -O2 -funroll-loops -msse3 -c src/cokus.cpp -o tempbuild/cokus.o
echo 'Compiling rfsub.f (fortran subroutines)'
Compiling rfsub.f (fortran subroutines)
gfortran   -O2 -fpic  -c src/rfsub.f -o rfsub.o
echo 'Compiling rfutils.cpp'
Compiling rfutils.cpp
g++ -fpic -O2 -funroll-loops -msse3 -c src/rfutils.cpp -o tempbuild/rfutils.o
echo 'Generating Mex'
Generating Mex
mex src/mex_ClassificationRF_train.cpp  src/classRF.cpp tempbuild/classTree.o tempbuild/rfutils.o rfsub.o tempbuild/cokus.o  -o mexClassRF_train -lgfortran -lm -DMATLAB -g
Unknown MEX argument '-o'.
make: *** [mex_classRF] Error 255

Does somebody knows how to solve this issue? If you want, you can take from the above link and then go to randomforest-matlab/RF_Reg_C/Makefile.

Edit: I have change -o to -output but now the output is the following:

rm twonorm_test -rf
rm  tempbuild/*.o *.o -rf
rm *~ -rf
rm *.mexw32 twonorm_test -rf
rm *.mexa64 -rf
rm classRF -rf
rm *.exe -rf
echo 'Compiling classTree.cpp'
Compiling classTree.cpp
g++ -fpic -O2 -funroll-loops -msse3 -c src/classTree.cpp -o tempbuild/classTree.o
echo 'Compiling Cokus (random number generator)'
Compiling Cokus (random number generator)
g++ -fpic -O2 -funroll-loops -msse3 -c src/cokus.cpp -o tempbuild/cokus.o
echo 'Compiling rfsub.f (fortran subroutines)'
Compiling rfsub.f (fortran subroutines)
gfortran   -O2 -fpic  -c src/rfsub.f -o rfsub.o
echo 'Compiling rfutils.cpp'
Compiling rfutils.cpp
g++ -fpic -O2 -funroll-loops -msse3 -c src/rfutils.cpp -o tempbuild/rfutils.o
echo 'Generating Mex'
Generating Mex
mex src/mex_ClassificationRF_train.cpp  src/classRF.cpp tempbuild/classTree.o tempbuild/rfutils.o rfsub.o tempbuild/cokus.o  -output mexClassRF_train -lgfortran -lm -DMATLAB -g
Building with 'g++'.
cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-std=c++11"

make: *** [mex_classRF] Error 255

I did not find an option -std=c++11 in the makefile.


  • The error is quite self-explanatory: the option -o is not recognized. If you type mex -help you see the options mex accepts. Try to replace -o with -output.

    EDIT regarding the std=c++11 option, you are probably using an old version of gcc compiler. You can either change it to std=c++0x which is the equivalent option (but note that some features of the c++11 standard may not be present\implemented), or upgrade to an up-to-date version of gcc.

    If you need more help, please report the output of g++ --version.