I am trying to figure out why the date is not working in flask-restplus.
MarshallingError: Unable to marshal field "lastUpdate" value "<built-in method now of type object at 0x10264d6e0>": Unsupported DateTime format - - [16/Apr/2016 22:24:18] "POST /api/v1/course/record/ab HTTP/1.1" 500 -
And here is the object that is used for marshaling
course_record_model = ns.model('Model', {
'topic': fields.String,
'totalMinutes': fields.Integer,
'percentComplete': fields.Integer,
'lastUpdate': fields.DateTime,
Note the fields.DateTime. That is the one with the issue.
def __init__(self, courseid, memberid, **kwargs):
"""Create instance."""
db.Model.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.courseID = courseid
self.memberID = memberid
self.lastUpdate = datetime.datetime.now
I have tried adding some formats, but it does not seem to help, here are the docs
class fields.DateTime(dt_format='rfc822', **kwargs) Return a formatted datetime string in UTC. Supported formats are RFC 822 and ISO 8601.
See email.utils.formatdate() for more info on the RFC 822 format.
See datetime.datetime.isoformat() for more info on the ISO 8601 format.
Parameters: dt_format (str) – 'rfc822' or 'iso8601'
Not sure how to make the date format when it is coming in from the API call.
As you can see, you have "<built-in method now of type object at 0x10264d6e0>"
instead of datetime
I suspect that somewhere in your code you forgot to type parenthesis ()
like this:
someobject.lastUpdate = datetime.now
But it should be
someobject.lastUpdate = datetime.now()