I am binding an employee model into a Blade
template, and want to place the result of an eager load relation into a field.
In my controller I build the collection for the page as:
$employee = User::with('country', 'activeOrganisationRole')->first();
My form open statement is:
{!! Form::model($employee, ['route' => ['employee.role', $employee->uuid], 'method' => 'POST']) !!}
So I want to populate $employee->country->name
into an input Laravel Collective form::text
statement, but I cannot get the country name to load. All other fields on the form load perfectly from the parent collection.
My Country field is:
<div class="form-group">
<label for="phone" class="control-label">Country</label>
{!! Form::text('country', null, ['id'=>'country', 'placeholder' => 'Country', 'class' => 'form-control']) !!}
The above country field loads the entire relation result into the input. What is the correct syntax for injecting $employee->country->name
into this input?
By the way , this works perfectly, but I have learned nothing by doing this way!
<label for="title" class="control-label">Country</label>
<input id="country" class="form-control" value="{!! $employee->country->country !!}" readonly>
I believe the FormBuilder
in LaravelCollective uses data_get
(a Laravel helper function) to get attributes from objects. However, dots in names of elements is kind of strange so I delved a little into the source for you.
You have one of the following choices (ordered by my preference):
You can add a method called getFormValue
in your Employee model. This takes a single parameter which is the name of the form element that is requesting a value. Implement it something like this:
public function getFormValue($name)
if(empty($name)) {
return null;
switch ($name) {
case 'country':
return $this->country->country;
// May want some other logic here:
return $this->getAttribute($name);
I couldn't really find any documentation on this (such is sometimes the way with Laravel). I only found it by trawling the source - although it really is easy with PhpStormShamless Plug
The downside with this is that you lose the transformation and attempt at extracting values from your employee object with data_get
Change the name of your text field to be country[country]
. In the source the builder replaces '[' and ']' with '.' and '' respectively when looking in an object for an attribute. This means data_get
will be looking for country.country
I put this here for people with the issue in the future, but it's not recommended.
Give your employee model a getCountryAttribute
method. As explained under the "Form Model Accessors" heading in the documentation, you can overwrite what gets returned from $employee->country. This means you can't access the real object though.