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Angular2: ng-content attributes passing to child component

Is something like this possible?

I want to pass an "hasfocus" variable from cjc-box through ng-content attributes to the cjc-input component.


<div cjc-box><div cjc-input></div></div>


<div class="cjc-box">
  <div><ng-content hasfocus="focus"></ng-content></div>


<input class="cjc-input" type="text" focus="{{hasfocus}}" />

Is this even possible with projections in ng2?


  • It is possible to pass variable to projected content (assuming component cjc-box declares property focus and component cjc-input declares property hasfocus):

    <div cjc-box #box><div cjc-input [hasfocus]="box.focus"></div></div>

    This is one-way binding, if you want two-way it is slightly more complex:

    • Add @Input() decorator to focus property of box component.
    • Add @Input() decorator to hasfocus property of input component
    • Add @Output() hasfocusChange:EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>(); to input component.
    • Add this.hasfocusChange.emit(this.hasfocus); after hasfocus change in your input component.
    • Change template to <div cjc-box #box><div cjc-input [(hasfocus)]="box.focus"></div></div>