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Hide ascx markup based on condition

I have some small markup in an ascx, for example this simple a href, like:

if (siteUrl) {
    <a href="<%= siteUrl %>"> <%= Message here %> </a> 
 // otherwise don't display Url and message

(that I want to hide if a variable in the code behind file is null.) Obviously the code above is an attempt and needs adjusting to work in ascx.

What is a good way to do this? Is there a way for example to put the markup in some sort of placeholder in the ascx and make that visible on condition? Syntax tips appreciated. Thanks a bunch.


  • Similar way you use the <% %>, just not add the =, and your code will be as:

    <% if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(siteUrl)) {%>
        <a href="<%= siteUrl %>"> <%= MessageMe %> </a> 
    <% }%>

    You can also read Scott Guthrie block for that syntax