I'm tasked with creating a program that simulates a scantron being turned on from an off state, once turned on it compares two arrays and displays a student's grade based on the comparison of the two arrays. I'm also tasked with creating classes.
I can get the machine to turn on but the grading part is where I'm having trouble. My program tells me that 'correct is not defined' in 'grade = Answers (correct, student, theGrade)'. I don't think I returned or didn't pass the variable correctly. Below is the code. Can anyone PLEASE help??
#this program creates a scantron grading system
#the machine will be turned on, scan the correct answers,
#then will grade the student's answers, and display results
#start class initializing machine off and then switching on
class quizGrader:
#initialize state of machine off
def __init__(self):
self.power = 'Off'
#create module to ask if the user would like to turn on the machine
def switch(self):
#ask user if they'd like to turn on the machine
powerOn = input('Would you like to turn the machine on? (enter Y for yes)')
#create if statement for system to be turned on or off
if powerOn == 'y' or powerOn == 'Y':
self.power = 'On'
self.power = 'Off'
def get_power(self):
return self.power
#create class for correct answers, student answers, and
#for the student's scantron to be graded
class Answers:
#initialize the grades
def __init__(self, correct, student, theGrade):
#declare what each self. will be equal to
self.__correctAnswers = correct
self.__studentAnswers = student
self.__studentGrade = theGrade
#create set method for correctAnswers
def set_correctAnswers(self, correct):
self.__correctAnswers = correct
correct = ['A','B','C','D','E','E','D','C','B','A', \
print('Correct answers have been recorded...')
return correct
#create set method for studentAnswers
def set_studentAnswers(self, student):
self.__studentAnswers = student
student = ['B','B','C','D','A','E','D','C','B','A', \
return student
#create set method for student's scantron to be graded
def set_studentGrade(self, theGrade):
self.__studentGrade = theGrade
right = 0
index = 1
#create a for loop and if statement for the right answers
#to be counted and then calculate the % of the grade
for index in range(0,20):
if self.__correctAnswers [index] == self.__studentAnswers [index]:
right += 1
percent = float(right/20)
percent = theGrade
return theGrade
#return all the methods previously created
def get_correctAnswers(self, correct):
return self.__correctAnswers
def get_studentAnswers(self, student):
return self.__studentAnswers
def get_studentGrade(self, theGrade):
return self.__studentGrade
#start main module
def main():
#create an object from the quizGrader class
machine = quizGrader()
#display that the machine is off
print('The machine is powered:', machine.get_power())
#ask the user if they'd like to turn the machine on
#display the user's choice to turn on or leave machine powered off
print('The machine is now/still powered:',machine.get_power())
#create an object from the Answers class
grade = Answers(correct, student, theGrade)
#display that the correct answers have been recorded and display the answers
print('Correct answers have been recorded:',grade.get_correctAnswers())
#display that the student's answers have been recorded and display the answers
print('Student answers have been recorded:', grade.get_studentAnswers())
#grade the student's answers
#display the amount of answers student answered correctly
#and the percentage of their grade based on correct answers
print('The student grade is',right,'out of 20 or',percent,'%.')
#close main function
You have not defined what correct
or student
or even theGrade
grade = Answers(correct, student, theGrade)
You need to instantiate the classes you've created, but you need to actually have those variables available in the main() function.
For example:
def main():
#create an object from the quizGrader class
machine = quizGrader()
correct = ['A','B','C','D','E','E','D','C','B','A', \
student = ['B','B','C','D','A','E','D','C','B','A', \
will get you a little farther... Just because you declare them in the classes above doesn't mean they're available.