I try to create custom share Button in Facebook SDK, but I have a problem with it. Following Facebook documentation, share Button in my case looks like that:
let content = FBSDKShareLinkContent()
content.contentTitle = "\(postTitle)"
content.contentURL = NSURL(string:"\(www)")
let shareButton = FBSDKShareButton()
shareButton.shareContent = content
shareButton.center = selfview.center
it works, but I have a default button, which doesn't look good in my layout. I would like to have a possibility share my content using my own button facebookShareButton: UIButton
. Do I have a possibility to call this action in my own button? If yes, how can I do that?
I have a solution for this problem:
We need to create an UIButton outlet for example @IBOutlet weak var facebookOutlet: UIButton!
and then add code in viewDidLoad()
facebookOutlet.addTarget(self, action: #selector(ViewController.postFacebook(_:)), forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)
Then in viewDidAppear()
we need to add:
let content = FBSDKShareLinkContent()
content.contentTitle = "\(postTitle)"
content.contentURL = NSURL(string:"\(www)")
let shareButton = FBSDKShareButton()
shareButton.shareContent = content
shareButton.center = self.view.center
Then in action of our button we need to add:
func postFacebook(sender: UIButton){
It works perfect and allow us to create a custom facebook button.