Search code examples

PHP's asort does not work properly?

I have an example array:

$a = array(
    5   => 35,
    16  => 22,
    7   => 22,
    3   => 22,
    11  => 22,
    9   => 27,

and I want to sort it by values and remember its keys. Result that I expected was:

$a = array(
    16  => 22,
    7   => 22,
    3   => 22,
    11  => 22,
    9   => 27,
    5   => 35,

So my first thought was: asort ! Ok, I did


But no - it didn't just move 5 => 35 to the end of the array. It changed my array to:

$a = array(
    11  => 22,
    3   => 22,
    7   => 22,
    16  => 22,
    9   => 27,
    5   => 35

You see ? Keys with the same value are reverse sorted. Why ?


  • You can't expect a certain sorting order for equal values. From the PHP manual on Sorting Arrays:

    If any of these sort functions evaluates two members as equal then the order is undefined (the sorting is not stable).