I am new to VIM and clang_complete. I managed to install clang_complete and it seems to work, but the completions are somehow not what I expect. For example, I looked at a tutorial and expect a behaviour like in this animated gif: https://blogueun.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/be5ee-using_clang.gif
This is what I do:
vim test.cpp
to get to insert mode<C-x><C-u>
to open the autocomplete list<C-n>
twice to select the second entryNow I have the following line in VIM:
But I think it should be something like:
using namespace $\'identifier'
(the ' has to be replaced by `, please edit the question)
How can I get the full completion and not only the first word?
I found out myself. From the FAQ of clang_complete in https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Rip-Rip/clang_complete/master/doc/clang_complete.txt:
*) Only function names get completed but not the parentheses/parameters.
Enable the snippets-support by adding the following lines to your .vimrc, for example:
let g:clang_snippets = 1
let g:clang_snippets_engine = 'clang_complete'
This worked for me.