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How can I add only one record into a form in odoo

How can I add only one record into a form or treeview in odoo? After adding the first record, create option should be disabled.


  • Well I'll teach you :)

    First you must make a record as follows:

    <data noupdate="1">
        <record id="my_record_01" model="my.model">
            <field name="field_name">value</field>

    This will insert record in the database and noupdate means that this section wont change if you will update your module later. During development use 0 and after that set 1.

    To disable write for tree view you can use

    <tree create="false" delete="false">

    For form

    <form edit="false" create="false" delete="false">

    create="false" will disable(actually hide) create button, and at this time you can set edit="true" and record will be editable, delete="false" will disable delete option from 'more' dropdown Note that tree has not attribute edit. Also I recommend to create security rules security/ir.model.access.csv and set there write read delete and create rights