I'm following along the Pubnub docs to create a channel named after my logged in user. Pubnub's website says to use this code:
PNChannel *channel = [PNChannel channelWithName:user.objectId];
I'm coding this in Swift so I changed this to the following:
var channel:PNChannel = PNChannel.channelWithName(currentUser.objectId)
but I get an error Use of undeclared type 'PNChannel'
I have import PubNub
in the top of my view controller. I'm new to Pubnub so any help is greatly appreciated.
FINAL EDIT!! Thanks to Mike I was able to get further and figure out how to subscribe to a channel, publish a message to that channel, and then get that message back so I can eventually use it in my app:
@IBAction func sendButton(sender: UIButton) {
//create Pubnub channel
config = PNConfiguration(publishKey: "YOUR KEY HERE", subscribeKey: "YOUR KEY HERE")
client = PubNub.clientWithConfiguration(config)
let channelName = user.objectId! as String
let channelArray: [String] = [channelName]
client.subscribeToChannels(channelArray, withPresence: false)
client.publish(self.messageText.text!, toChannel: channelName, compressed: false, withCompletion: nil)
func client(client: PubNub!, didReceiveMessage message: PNMessageResult!) {
print("Received: %", message.data.message)
I have had trouble with this as well. I couldnt figure out how to work with channel groups. But finally i got this to work for me by just using this line to subscribe...
self.client?.subscribeToChannels(channels, withPresence: false)
Where channels
is an array of String
's. Simply create your channels, which should be of type String
, and then append all your channels to an array, such as my channels
array, and then use the line I show above.
Also, there are two very helpful tutorials on the PubNub website that are written in Swift that can show you all the basics.
I can show you a more in depth example of my approach if you need it let me know.