I wanted to show for me the amount of orders of each buyer. And that works very well.
select name, count(orderid) from buyer natural join reservation group by buyerid;
I get two results, one with 12 orders and the other one with 4 orders. Now I want to split this two outcomes at the quantity of their orders. For example all people who purchased more than 10 objects should be classified with an '+'. Those who bought < 10 objects should get a '-'. The difficulty is there are only single orders in the table reservations, which means: Person A ordered a Ship (Obj1), Person A ordered a DVD (Obj2) etc... The orders are single data sets in this table no sum or grouping (thats the reason for the select statement above).
However, I have another empty table to put the "name" and the "class" and it should be done by the using of a procedure.
Like this:
create procedure dividing (in decisionpoint int)
set @var = select count(orderid) from buyer....group by buyerid;
-->Error because I get 2 Rows (Allowed is only one, but how can I solve this? I will continue with the logic)
IF @var >= decisionpoint THEN do....
ELSE do...
So it is actually simple but I don't see the solution at the moment... Maybe you are able to manage this.
you can turn your query into an inner query and do another outer SELECT to check for your condition
SELECT name,orders,
CASE WHEN orders > 10 THEN "+"
ELSE "-"
END AS status
(select name, count(orderid) as orders
from buyer
natural join reservation
group by buyerid
)AS T;
name orders status
A 20 +
B 4 -