I'm interested in deploying interactive graphics built with FSLabs XPlot wrappers around plot.ly and google charts to wordpress, xamarin and good old web platforms. I have scoured the documentation, which does a fantastic job of demoing the charting capabilities, but not so much how to integrate into a wordpress site, a xamarin app or an angular application with an F# Web Api back end.
Docs on this or pointesr would be be beyond helpful!
As nobody has found an answer and I have found the answer since posting, I have decided to post it here as a legit answer which solved my problem.
Step 1:
Create a class library for your charts in the foreign F# language, because most web dev’s use C#
Create a sweet chart:
Reference and Serve sweet chart from C#:
Note you put all of the policy control into the hands of the web dev with no additional components.
Want google/twitter auth? Get it! Want routing controls, you have it all right here, no additional stuff, no additional staffing needed.
No additional admins needed.
Bind Chart to web application…
Note that you need to make a call to drawChart(); to ensure the chart draws, otherwise you have a race condition. That line of code is not pictured, but important.
Step 5:
Enjoy your charts