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VGG: order of categories?

I'm using VGG-16 network trained on ILSVRC with Fast-RCNN.

You can get a 1000-dimensional matrix for probability of each of 1,000 classes in ILSVRC.

However, I can't find out which column in the matrix corresponds to which class.

For example, I'd like to know whether final_prob[2] corresponds to human or car.

There are list of classes for ILSVRC each year (

but the matrix doesn't seem to be in that order.

Where can I find out how the entries in the matrix are mapped to the classes?


  • If you're using one of the pre-trained models in Caffe, run data/ilsvrc12/ and then the list of names of classes will be in data/ilsvrc12/synset_words.txt. This is in the same order as the 1000-dimensional output of the model.