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Launching on Android before iOS

I did not know where else to turn for this question

My present background is Android and Rails application development. I am building a social media type mobile app that allows for real-time messaging between users, and the creation/scheduling of events as well as a web component in rails.

In terms of launch, everywhere I look it notes not to launch to Android first, but focus on iOS, yet just about all of these sources are 2+ years old.

For the application that I have, generally described, is there any reason not to launch to Android first? Are the fears outlined in the articles outdated?


  • I'm working on a social network app for Android too and in my opinion you don't need to fear about selecting an OS for starting development. Start from where you are experienced. I'm good enough with Java and Android so I decided to start with Android. When I have a fully functional app than I will launch and start building the app for iOS. You should focus on the OS that you like and you are experienced with. I think these articles are oldies. But the decision is up to. You may want to read this article Happy coding