I am using RestClient to make a post request and i made it so i an error response back so i can print those error messages in console
i tried the following per the restclient gem documentation
response = RestClient.post base_uri, params.to_json, content_type: 'application/json', accept: 'application/json'
rescue RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse => err
error = err.response
p "this is the error response #{error}"
when i print err.response i get the following
"this is the error response {\"error\":{\"message\":\"An active access token must be used to query information about the current us
how do i access the message in the above hash to display it in console?
p "this is the error response #{error.message}"
and it gives me "Bad request"
- have no idea where it gets that
If you're just looking to output it:
error = JSON.load(err.response)
puts error['error']['message']
You can always format it a bit better:
puts '[Code %d %s] %s' % [
Note that using puts
inside of a Rails process is not going to work very well. You might want to use Rails.logger.debug