Voter(voter_id, voter_name, residential_address, current_city, current_state, current_postal_code).
Postal code is unique for each city and state and each address has only one postal code.
In normalization terms, Voter is in 2nf or 3nf?
To check its highest normal form, follow this basic steps:
First rename the attributes of "Voter" for simplicity. voter_id as "A" voter_name as "B" residential_address as "C" current_city as "D" current_state as "E" current_postal_code as "F"
According to given FD's : {DE -> F , C -> F }
3.Here Candidate keys are: {ABCDE}.
Prime attributes (5): {A,B,C,D,E} ,
Non Prime attributes (1): {F}
For 2NF: "Partial Dependencies are not allowed". Means, A part of candidate key should not determine a non prime attributes.
here ,partial dependencies are : {DE -> F , C -> F }
So, this table is not in 2NF.
**To be into 2NF ,relation should be decompose like this:
R1 ={DEF},
R2 = {CF}
R3 = {ABCDE}
Hope this helps. For more detail like how to decompose a table and all, you can also refer : Detailed explanation of Normal forms