I want to see only the Process cmd.exe.
New Process Name: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe Token Elevation Type: %%1938 Creator Process ID: 0x1a0`enter code here`
Grok Filter:
New Process Name: %{GREEDYDATA}\\%{GREEDYDATA:Process}
"Process": [
"cmd.exe Token Elevation Type: %%1938 Creator Process ID: 0x1a0`enter code here`"
How i get to see only cmd.exe and not Token Elevation Type: %%1938 Creator Process ID: 0x1a0`enter?
GREEDYDATA usually means "everything". I find it usually not be useful except at the end of a pattern (as a catch-all).
So, you're asking for everything after the backslash, which is what you're getting.
How about:
New Process Name: %{GREEDYDATA}\\%{NOTSPACE:Process}