I've implemented a vertical LinearGradient
for a custom View
. It is working good on most of devices but we've noticed that on a Galaxy Note 2, running Android 4.1.2, the gradient is not transitioning smoothly between colors (color interpolation), but each color just starts at some point.
I'm constructing the gradient like this
ViewCompat.setLayerPaint(myView, null);
Paint paint = myView.getPaintRender();
int height = myView.getHeight();
// create a gradient background paint which will be later on clipped
mColors = generateColorsRage(myDTOProvidingData);
float[] percentages = generateColorPercentages();
LinearGradient linearGradient = new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, height, mColors, percentages, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);
Can somebody point me to a direction?
I've finally come to a solution.
It seems that the LinearGradient
class on the Android 4.1.2 has a weird way of handling percentages.
It seems that the colors interpolations are not working if the percentages do not have at least one value equals to 1f
So to fix this, I made sure that the percentages[]
have the last value set to 1f
and both mColors[]
and percentages[]
are the same length in order for this to properly work.