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How to get notifications that have Edge date property greater than last visited date in Titan using Gremlin?

I'm having user vertices which have incoming Notification edges as follows:

code am using to get notifications


Response I'm getting :

  "success": true,
  "results": [
      "Type": "UserReaction",
      "PostedDate": "2016-04-15T09:03:42.8391677Z",
      "NotificationInitiatedByVertexId": "2304",
      "_id": "c7bb4-aoagw-sgl-aoao0",
      "_type": "edge",
      "_outV": 17929472,
      "_inV": 17929728,
      "_label": "Notification"
  "version": "2.5.0",
  "queryTime": 15.310751

Whenever user view the notification i'm saving the last seen date and want to use that date to get all notification that is present after that date.

I've tried :

g.v((5124096).outE).outE.has('PostedDate',T.gte, 2016-04-15T07:52:31.6979843Z).inV

but it is giving error.


  • PostedDate appears to be returned as a String. Consider defining PostedDate in your schema definition as a Long instead, and then do the T.gte comparison with a Long value.