I'm trying to set up a custom domain name for a blob CDN endpoint, following these instructions, but can't seem to access my content using the subdomain static.mydomain.com. I've created the following record with my registrar:
Subdomain: static
TTL: 7200
Data: blobconatinername.blob.core.windows.net.
For example, I can access this file (note https): https://blobcontanername.blob.core.windows.net/somefile.mp3
But trying to access this file
I get an invalid URI error (an error 400):
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server. RequestId:c5ec4859-0001-0079-0bf8-961dfa000000 Time:2016-04-15T09:22:32.1317877Z
Can you access the file via the CDN endpoint, yourcdnendpoint.azureedge.net/path/to/file
Shouldn't static.yourdomain.com
point to the CDN endpoint, not your blob storage?
Subdomain: static
TTL: 7200
Data: yourcdnendpoint.azureedge.net.
Also, the domain you are using must be verified. The process is described at https://azure.microsoft.com/sv-se/documentation/articles/cdn-map-content-to-custom-domain/