I am very new to Celluloid, but I don't understand why, in my Rails app, my futures loose the current locale:
puts "locale OUTSIDE #{I18n.locale}"
data.map do |item|
Celluloid::Future.new { puts "locale INSIDE #{I18n.locale}"; serialize_item(item) }
basically I got something like
locale OUTSIDE en
locale INSIDE it
locale INSIDE it
locale INSIDE it
locale INSIDE it
locale INSIDE itlocale INSIDE it
locale INSIDE it
locale INSIDE it
locale INSIDE it
and when I change locale the futures keep considering my default locale :it
I feel like I am missing something basic...
Celluloid futures get executed in a separate thread pool (not a different process as some answers suggest),
value gets stored in a variable scoped to the individual thread http://www.rubydoc.info/docs/rails/2.3.8/I18n%2FConfig%3Alocale :
The only configuration value that is not global and scoped to thread is :locale. It defaults to the default_locale.
Meaning that the config you set outside of the worker threads does not apply within the worker threads.
You need to:
if you want the config to be propagated to all worker threads in the process, OR