I'm using TFHpple (which uses XPath) to parse an HTML document. I can get the content of various nodes, etc. But the code I found on GitHub seems incomplete. It has a method to get the attributes of a node but the child array. So I wrote one and failed. The two "attributes" methods below work fine. Basically, I'd like to get the child array as a new node. I think I'm failing at the NSDictionary level. I tried to make a new TFHppleElement out of what I return in "children" below but... FAIL! Any clues?
This is from TFHppleElement.m:
- (NSDictionary *) attributesForNode: (NSDictionary *) myNode
NSMutableDictionary *translatedAttributes = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for (NSDictionary *attributeDict in [myNode objectForKey: TFHppleNodeAttributeArrayKey])
//NSLog(@"attributeDict: %@", attributeDict);
[translatedAttributes setObject: [attributeDict objectForKey: TFHppleNodeContentKey]
forKey: [attributeDict objectForKey: TFHppleNodeAttributeNameKey]];
return translatedAttributes;
- (NSDictionary *) attributes
return [self attributesForNode: node];
- (BOOL) hasChildren
return [node objectForKey: TFHppleNodeChildArrayKey] != nil;
- (NSDictionary *) children
NSMutableDictionary *translatedChildren = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for (NSDictionary *childDict in [node objectForKey: TFHppleNodeChildArrayKey])
[translatedChildren setObject: childDict
forKey: [childDict objectForKey: TFHppleNodeNameKey]];
return [node objectForKey: TFHppleNodeChildArrayKey];
I guess I was doing it right enough. But I eventually simplified getting the child node array as:
- (NSDictionary *) children
if ([self hasChildren])
return [[node objectForKey: TFHppleNodeChildArrayKey] objectAtIndex: 0];
return nil;
I added this to the TFHppleElement.m code I had downloaded. Then I could take that result and create a new node from which I could extract any attributes or content needed.:
TFHppleElement *parentNode;
TFHppleElement *childNode = [[[TFHppleElement alloc] initWithNode: [parentNode children]] autorelease];