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Circular reference and constructors

I'm trying to build an Attribute that validates a certain instance of a type.

In order to do this I have to cast the ObjectInstance to that type.

And I need to set the attribute on the member of that type.

So we need to resort to the and keyword for the circular definition.

However in the following case I get the error that

A custom attribute must invoke an object constructor

On the line marked below.

namespace Test

open System
open System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations

[<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)>]
type MyAttribute() =
    inherit ValidationAttribute ()

    override this.IsValid (value: Object, validationContext: ValidationContext) =
        match validationContext.ObjectInstance with
        | :? MyClass as item ->
            // TODO more validation
        | _ ->
            new ValidationResult("No no no")
and MyClass(someValue) =
    [<Range(1, 7)>]
    member this.SomeValue : int = someValue

I tried manually invoking the constructor, such as:

// or
[<new MyAttribute()>]

But none of them are accepted by the system.

Can an F# guru help me out here?


  • One solution would be to first describe your types in a signature files.

    Since the attribute is specified in the signature file, you don't need to add it again in the implementation file:


    namespace Foo
    open System
    type MyAttribute =
        inherit System.Attribute
        new : unit -> MyAttribute
        member Foo : unit -> MyClass
    and MyClass =
        new : someValue : int -> MyClass
        member SomeValue : int


    namespace Foo
    open System
    type MyAttribute() =
        inherit Attribute()
        member this.Foo () =
            new MyClass(1)
    and MyClass(someValue) =
        // [<MyAttribute()>] -> specified in the fsi, still appears in compiled code
        member this.SomeValue : int = someValue

    See for reference