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Can my befriended template mention my private member in its instantiation?

I am writing a template class that takes both a class and the name of a method within that class. I have to do this because even though the various classes that I will use to instantiate my template have similar methods with a common signature that method's name varies from class to class. In some cases the method in question is private. Hence I would like to augment such classes with a friend declaration granting my template access to the private method.

template<class T, int (T::*func)()>
class A {
    int count(T* p) { return (p->*func)(); }

class B {
    int funcPublic() { return 0; }

class C {
    template<class T, int (T::*)()> friend class A;
    int funcPrivate() { return 0; }

typedef A<B, &B::funcPublic > AB;  // works
typedef A<C, &C::funcPrivate> AC;  // g++:  "error: ‘int C::funcPrivate()’ is private"

Access control seems to be checked at the point of mention (i.e. template instantiation) rather than at the point of use. Is this how C++ is specified? Am I simply out of luck?


  • If you can modify your class C, it seems that you can work around it as follows:

    class C 
        int funcPrivate() { return 0; }
        typedef A<C, &C::funcPrivate> value;
    typedef C::value AC;

    By this approach, you don't really have to augment such classes with friend also.

    However, if that approach satisfies your requirement, please consider providing a proper interface to invoke the method.