During my migration from TP2 0.54 -> TP3 titan 1.0 / Tinkerpop 3.01
I'm trying to build gremlin query which make "logical OR" with Predicate Text , between properties on different Vertex indexes
Something like:
------------------- PRE-DEFINED ES INDEXES: ------------------
tg = TitanFactory.open('../conf/titan-cassandra-es.properties')
tm = tg.openManagement();
PropertyKey pNodeType = createPropertyKey(tm, "nodeType", String.class, Cardinality.SINGLE);
PropertyKey userContent = createPropertyKey(tm, "storyContent", String.class, Cardinality.SINGLE);
PropertyKey storyContent = createPropertyKey(tm, "userContent", String.class, Cardinality.SINGLE);
//"storyContent" : is elasticsearch backend index - mixed
tm.buildIndex(indexName, Vertex.class).addKey(storyContent, Mapping.TEXTSTRING.asParameter()).ib.addKey(pNodeType, Mapping.TEXTSTRING.asParameter()).buildMixedIndex("search");
//"userContent" : is elasticsearch backend index - mixed
tm.buildIndex(indexName, Vertex.class).addKey(userContent, Mapping.TEXTSTRING.asParameter()).ib.addKey(pNodeType, Mapping.TEXTSTRING.asParameter()).buildMixedIndex("search");
v1= g.addVertex()
v1.property("userContent" , "dccsdsadas")
v2= g.addVertex()
v2.property("storyContent" , "abdsds")
v3= g.addVertex()
v3.property("storyContent" , "xxxx")
v4= g.addVertex()
v4.property("storyContent" , "abdsds") , etc'...
------------------- EXPECTED RESULT: -----------
I want to return all vertexes with property "storyContent" match text contains prefix , OR all vertexes with property "userContent" matching its case.
in this case return v1 and v2 , because v3 doesn't match and v4 duplicated so it must be ignored by dedup step
g.V().has("storyContent", textContainsPrefix("ab")) "OR" has("userContent", textContainsPrefix("dc"))
or maybe :
g.V().or(_().has('storyContent', textContainsPrefix("abc")), _().has('userContent', textContainsPrefix("dcc")))
I thought use TP3 OR step with dedup , but gremlin throws error ...
Thanks for any help
How about something along those lines:
has('storyContent', textContainsPrefix("abc")),
has('userContent', textContainsPrefix("dcc"))
Edit - as mentioned in the comments, this query won't use any index. It must be split into two separate queries.
See TinkerPop v3.0.1 Drop Step documentation and Titan v1.0.0 Ch. 20 - Index Parameters and Full-Text Search documentation.
With Titan, you might have to import text predicates before:
import static com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Text.*
is TinkerPop2 material and no longer used in TinkerPop3. You now use anonymous traversals as predicates, which sometimes have to start with __.
for steps named with reserved keywords in Groovy (for ex. __.in()