Let's say I have the following code:
(def m1 (java.util.HashMap.))
(def m2 (java.util.LinkedHashMap.))
(def m3 {})
I need a function that will allow me to detect maps that came from java, e.g.:
(map java-map? [m1 m2 m3]) ;; => (true true false)
Anything out of the box?
i would do this:
user=> (defn java-map? [m]
(and (instance? java.util.Map m)
(not (map? m))))
user=> (java-map? {})
user=> (java-map? (java.util.HashMap.))
user=> (java-map? [])
so you just check that it implements core java's Map
interface, but not being a clojure's persistent map.