Iam using spring-cloud-config for centralized configuration and consul for service discovery. Like eureka first bootstrap - does spring support consul first bootstrap i.e on booting up a client service - I should look up the config server through consul. The otherway round works perfectly fine i.e - in config client bootstrap.properties - I provide the spring.cloud.config.uri
=http://localhost:8888 which located the config server and pulls config from it. And in the config repository for my client application - I provide the consul config like :
spring.cloud.consul.host=localhost ,
However, when i try to use consul first bootstrap I am unable to read the properties from config server.
Client Application (for consul first bootstrap):
<!-- <version>Brixton.BUILD-SNAPSHOT</version> -->
<relativePath />
public class DemoSleuthApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(DemoSleuthApplication.class, args);
class RestAPIController
@Value(value = "${server.port}")
String port;
@Value(value = "${message}")
String message;
public String welcome(){
String s = this.restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:"+this.port+"/message", String.class);
return this.message + s;
In the consul K/V store
folder structure config/demo
Key/Value : spring.cloud.config.uri=http://localhost:8888
Config server git repo: not adding the config server code for brevity demo.properties
Ideally when I implement the concept of consul first bootstrap - I am thinking consul should be started and the client should identify itself using the @EnableDiscoveryClien
t annotation and in the consul properties - find config server url , and fetch the config properties from the server configurations. But in my case, service is being discovered and registered in consul but i am not able to read properties from config server git repo.
It was done here. It is available in SNAPSHOTS and in RC2 which will come hopefully next week.