I have a postgresql database with hourly gas consumption entries. Now, I need to find the days with the highest consumption for every month.
In plain SQL I'd use subqueries like this:
DATE_TRUNC('month', day) AS month,
MAX(dailyconsumption) as maxconsumption
DATE_TRUNC('day', date) AS day,
SUM(consumption) AS dailyconsumption
FROM Records
) t
GROUP BY month
However, I don't know the best way (or any way) to do this in rails. I appreciate any input. Should I bypass ActiveRecord? Performance is a high priority.
Thank You!
Your subquery should be recreated with something like:
subquery = Records
.select("DATE_TRUNC('day', date) AS day", "SUM(consumption) AS dailyconsumption")
To query from a subquery, instead of a table, you use from
Note that subquery
is an ActiveRecord relation. Not actual data. It gets converted to SQL in the second statement and the whole thing is run on the DB side.