I have installed the Windows 10 IoT on my Raspberry Pi 2. How can I create a form application that will run on the Pi ? I have already installed Windows Iot Core in my Visual Studio, but now it only says Background Application (IoT), but I want to create some graphics with text displayed...
Make sure you have the IoT Core templates for Visual Studio 2015 from here: https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/55b357e1-a533-43ad-82a5-a88ac4b01dec
On Windows 10 IoT core, you can run Windows 10 Universal applications (UWP) with a visual interface. In Visual Studio, start a new "Universal Windows" project with your chosen programming language. You can then code a GUI with for example XAML just like a desktop or mobile Windows 10 application. For example for C# use Visual C# -> Universal -> Blank App (Universal Windows).
You need the Windows SDK but that is included in the Visual Studio 2015 Update 1.
To access the unique features of the device (like GPIO) you need to add a reference to "Windows IoT Extension SDK".
Examples on how to do it: