I'm in the middle of integrating QB Online and the documentation says it requires PECL OAuth at: http://pecl.php.net/package/oauth
I'm not too familiar with using OAuth itself, or how PECL works. I've just been using Composer mostly. So on that note, is there a way for me to install the required OAuth using Composer?
PECL are extensions, written in C, for PHP. They add functions/methods to the PHP language.
There's no way to install PECL extensions via Composer right now, however, the pickle
project aims to fix that someday soon:
Generally, you'd install PECL extensions via your OS package manager. e.g. in Debian:
sudo apt-get install php-pear
sudo pecl install oauth
More info:
If you get stuck, and need a QuickBooks Online PHP lib that doesn't rely on the PECL extension, you might try this one (disclaimer - I'm the author):