I make a JSONP call using information from an array of "keys", which are in a particular order. I want the resulting new array, to be the same order as the source array of keys. This happens sometimes, but not always.
I have tried forEach, for loop, a simple array with just the key values, and an array with the field "name" followed by the key value. No idea why I can't get a consistent order. Following is with a simple array and just key values.
/*separate defining class*/
export class ArrayObjectItem {
city: string;
constructor(city: string) {
this.city = city;
/*Below follows the code inside the main bootstrapped/rendering component*/
names: [] = ['name1', 'name2', 'name3', 'name4', 'name5'];
arraytorender: Array<ArrayObjectItem>[] = [];
this.names.forEach(name => {
this.aJSONPservice.getData(name).subscribe(response => {
const objectinarray = new ArrayObjectItem("null");
objectinarray.city = response.city;
In the view of the main component:
<div *ngFor="#item of arraytorender">
does the right thing. The array is just not sorted.
If you sort it you get the desired result:
ngOnInit():any {
this.names.forEach(name => {
this._cityService.getCity().subscribe(response => {
const objectinarray = new ArrayObjectItem("null", "null");
objectinarray.city = response.city;
objectinarray.namefromkeys = name;
this.arraytorender.sort((a,b) => {
if(a.namefromkeys == b.namefromkeys) {
return 0;
if(a.namefromkeys > b.namefromkeys) {
return 1;
return -1;