I have a requirement that is difficult (apparently) to try and fill. I would like to add ## as a report header, OR as the first entry in the report. The report that is being generated is being utilized by a system parser that requires the ##. I know I can create an XSLT for it, and export as XML and transfer to CSV but that seems like way too much work for something as simple as adding a ##.
The problem is, we have approximately 30 of these reports to do like this. Creating XSLTs for all of them will be very time consuming. I would greatly appreciate some support from you gurus out there!
Thank you!
Not possible -- see below:
For CSV export, the report header is determined by the DataElementName property. However the property must be CLS-compliant identifiers, but “##” is not actually CLS-compliant. By entering these characters, you’ll get the error message: Property Value is not valid. So currently, it’s not supported to keep report header with special characters when exporting to CSV file.
You can refer to the article below: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd255251.aspx The relevant thread: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/bc7bcae8-cce2-4626-8cb9-132a239a4ab8/ssrs-2008-column-issue-when-exporting-to-a-csv-file?forum=sqlreportingservices#f9bd33ae-6d92-4050-94d8-92c6e26e00cc