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using geopy to find the country name from coordinates in a pandas dataframe

I am trying to determine the country name for each row in a pandas dataframe using geopy. What I have is:

import pandas as pd
from geopy.geocoders import GoogleV3

df = pd.DataFrame({'ser_no': [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2],
                'lat': [53.57, 35.52, 35.53, 54.66, 54.67, 55.8],
                'lon': [-117.20, -98.29, -98.32, -119.48, -119.47, -119.46]})

def get_country(locations):
    locations = geolocator.reverse(row['lat'], row['lon'], timeout = 10)
    for location in locations:
        for component in location.raw['address_components']:
            if 'country' in component['types']:
                return component['long_name']

my_key = my_api_key                   
geolocator = GoogleV3(my_key, proxies ={"http": 'my proxy',
                                        "https": 'my proxy'})

df['country'] = df.apply(lambda row: get_country(row), axis = 1)

This returns

     lat     lon  ser_no                                       country
0  53.57 -117.20       1  <function get_country at 0x000000000F6F9C88>
1  35.52  -98.29       1  <function get_country at 0x000000000F6F9C88>
2  35.53  -98.32       1  <function get_country at 0x000000000F6F9C88>
3  54.66 -119.48       2  <function get_country at 0x000000000F6F9C88>
4  54.67 -119.47       2  <function get_country at 0x000000000F6F9C88>
5  55.80 -119.46       2  <function get_country at 0x000000000F6F9C88>

No errors have occurred but my output isn't useful. I am not sure if it just returning incorrectly or if I have something wrong in my apply.


  • geolocator.reverse takes a string so you need to change your function to this:

    def get_country(row):
        pos = str(row['lat']) + ', ' + str(row['lon'])
        locations = geolocator.reverse(pos, timeout = 10)
        #... rest of func the same