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Include code snippet in org file

I'm wanting to use org mode to write a technical book. I'm looking for a way to insert existing code from external file into a babel code block that would give nice formatting when exporting to pdf.

For example

#+BEGIN_SRC python "./code/" 
  # insert_line (45,50)

would then give me the equivalent of the following from line 45 to 50 in

#+BEGIN_SRC python
 def times_two(x):
   y = x*2
   return y

 print times_two(5)    

Is there anyway of doing this?


  • You can use a shell script to print the lines out with a :wrap header. For example, here I print lines 9-18 of the script. The shell script won't export if you set :exports too.

    #+BEGIN_SRC sh :wrap src python :exports results
    sed -n 9,18p
    #+BEGIN_src python
    class HTTPSudsPreprocessor(urllib2.BaseHandler):
        def __init__(self, SID):
            self.SID = SID
        def http_request(self, req):
            req.add_header('cookie', 'SID="'+self.SID+'"')
            return req
        https_request = http_request

    If you don't have sed, you can write a little python script that does the same thing. Just remember to shift the line numbers by one, and to set results to code.

    #+BEGIN_SRC python :results code :exports results
    with open("") as f:
    #+BEGIN_SRC python
    class HTTPSudsPreprocessor(urllib2.BaseHandler):
        def __init__(self, SID):
            self.SID = SID
        def http_request(self, req):
            req.add_header('cookie', 'SID="'+self.SID+'"')
            return req
        https_request = http_request