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Can I pass a primitive type by reference in Java?

I would like to call a method which could potentially take on different versions, i.e. the same method for input parameters that are of type:

  • boolean
  • byte
  • short
  • int
  • long

The way I would like to do this is by "overloading" the method (I think that is the correct term?):

public void getValue(byte theByte) {...}
public void getValue(short theShort) {...}
... etc ...

... but that would mean that I would have to pass the primitive type in by reference... similar to C++ where the method has external effect, where it can modify the variable outside its scope.

Is there a way to do this without creating new classes or using the Object versions of the primitive types? If not, any suggestions on alternative strategies?

Let me know if I should further explain to clear up any confusion.


What I'm actually trying to do is construct the primitive type from a set of bits. So if I'm dealing with the byte version of the method, I want to pretty much do my work to get 8 bits and return the byte (since I can't pass by reference).

The reason I'm asking this question is because the work I do with bits is very repetitive and I don't want to have the same code in different methods. So I want to find a way for my ONE method to KNOW how many bits I'm talking about... if I'm working with a byte, then 8 bits, if I'm working with a short, 16 bits, etc...


  • While Java supports overloading, all parameters are passed by value, i.e. assigning a method argument is not visible to the caller.

    From your code snippet, you are trying to return a value of different types. Since return types are not part of a method's signature, you can not overload with different return types. Therefore, the usual approach is:

    int getIntValue() { ... }
    byte getByteValue() { ... }

    If this is actually a conversion, the standard naming is

    int toInt() { ...}
    byte toByte() { ... }