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Web Audio API - Removing filter

I'm building a visualiser with multiple graphic modes. For a few of them I need to calculate the beat of the track being played, and as I understand I then need to apply a lowpass filter like the following, to enhance frequencies that are most probable to hold drum sounds:

var filter = context.createBiquadFilter();


filter.type = 'lowpass';

But what if I want to turn the filter off? Do I have to re-connect the source every time I need to remove the filter? Would this have any negative effect on performance?

Related question: how much performance loss would I experience if I have two two sources, from the same audio source, and apply the filter to one of them?


  • how much performance loss would I experience if I have two two sources, from the same audio source, and apply the filter to one of them

    You can connect a single audio node to multiple destinations, thus you never need a duplicate source just to spread-connect it. If you need filtered and raw audio simultaneously, you can just setup your connections accordingly:

    var filter = context.createBiquadFilter();
    filter.type = "lowpass";

    Anyways, setting the type property of a FilterNode to "allpass" will effectively disable all filtering, without having to reconnect:

    filter.type = "allpass"