Is it possible in maya to list all external assets being used in a file such as textures or other scenes being referenced?
Ideally this would be done using python. I'm more familiar with 3ds max, so Im not sure if maya has the equivalent of 3ds max where you can simply do this by the following...
Collect all assets of class type texturemap, which returns filepaths. Then collect all assets of class type xref, which returns referenced scenes and that's it!
You can list all referenced textures in the scene and then use :"REF_NAME:*", type="file")
To query all references : cmds.file(q=1,r=1)
---EDIT--- I had time to write a full code example :
import maya.cmds as cmds
import glob
files =["file", "imagePlane"])
result = []
for i in files:
if cmds.objectType(i) == "file":
#animated ?
testAnimated = cmds.getAttr("{0}.useFrameExtension".format(i))
if testAnimated:
# Find the path
fullpath= cmds.getAttr("{0}.fileTextureName".format(i))
# Replace /path/img.padding.ext by /path/img.*.ext
image = fullpath.split("/")[-1]
imagePattern = image.split(".")
imagePattern[1] = "*"
imagePattern = ".".join(imagePattern)
# You could have done a REGEX with re module with a pattern name.padding.ext
# We join the path with \\ in order to be Linux/Windows/Apple format
folderPath = "\\".join(fullpath.split("/")[:-1] + [imagePattern])
# Find all image on disk
elif cmds.objectType(i) == "imagePlane":
#animated ?
testAnimated = cmds.getAttr("{0}.useFrameExtension".format(i))
if testAnimated:
# Find the path
fullpath= cmds.getAttr("{0}.imageName".format(i))
# Replace /path/img.padding.ext by /path/img.*.ext
image = fullpath.split("/")[-1]
imagePattern = image.split(".")
imagePattern[1] = "*"
imagePattern = ".".join(imagePattern)
# You could have done a REGEX with re module with a pattern name.padding.ext
# We join the path with \\ in order to be Linux/Windows/Apple format
folderPath = "\\".join(fullpath.split("/")[:-1] + [imagePattern])
# Find all image on disk
#clear multiple instance
result = list(set(result))