I installed AppScale on a VPS with 64-bit Ubuntu trusty and 4G RAM form source. Everytime I run command appscale up
,it will stop at Please wait for the AppController to finish pre-processing tasks.
. According to the offical wiki the next prompt will be Please wait for AppScale to prepare your machines for use.
but it never occurs to me, and there is no error. Anybody knows where to get any log or how to solve this problem?
Here is the content of my AppScalefile
master : # this is the private IP of this VPS
appengine :
database :
zookeeper :
login : here is the public IP of this vps
keyname : appscalec85934462268449a9c73b1dbd1bec4b9
group : appscalec85934462268449a9c73b1dbd1bec4b9
I solved this problem. Some packages failed to install because of the poor network in China, but I got no error report , so I mistaken that I installed successfully. after I finally installed these packages, it works