People mentioned in answers a1, a2 that
Due to the way the Python C-level APIs developed, a lot of built-in functions and methods don't actually have names for their arguments.
I found it really annoying cause I'm not be able to know it by looking at the doc. For instance, eval
eval(expression, globals=None, locals=None)
Then I wrote this line of code
print(eval('a+b', globals={'a':1, 'b':2}))
and got TypeError: eval() takes no keyword arguments
. So is there a complete list of functions of this kind? How do I know if a function is allowed to have keyword arguments?
In Python 3.5 you can inspect the __text_signature__
of the built-in function:
>>> eval.__text_signature__
'($module, source, globals=None, locals=None, /)'
>>> abs.__text_signature__
'($module, x, /)'
>>> abs(x=5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: abs() takes no keyword arguments
cannot be used as a keyword argument)
The /
means that the arguments following that can be used as keyword arguments. C.f.
>>> compile.__text_signature__
'($module, /, source, filename, mode, flags=0,\n dont_inherit=False, optimize=-1)'
>>> compile(source='foo', filename='bar', mode='exec')
<code object <module> at 0x7f41c58f0030, file "bar", line 1>
Of course there are bugs even in 3.5:
>>> sorted.__text_signature__
'($module, iterable, key=None, reverse=False)'
though according to issue 26729 in the Python bug tracker, there ought to be /
after the iterable
as the iterable
cannot be used as a keyword argument.
Unfortunately this information is not yet available in the Python documentation itself.