None of the variables in prefix are substituted - why?
It was working with on old version of logstash (1.5.4) but doesn't anymore with 2.3.
Part of the output filter in logstash.cfg (dumps to s3):
output {
if [bucket] == "bucket1" {
s3 {
bucket => "bucket1"
access_key_id => "****"
secret_access_key => "****"
region => "ap-southeast-2"
prefix => "%{env}/%{year}/%{month}/%{day}/"
size_file => 50000000 #50mb
time_file => 1
codec => json_lines # save log as json line (no newlines)
temporary_directory => "/var/log/temp-logstash"
tags => ["bucket1"]
Example dataset (taken from stdout):
"random_person" => "Kenneth Cumming 2016-04-14 00:53:59.777647",
"@timestamp" => "2016-04-14T00:53:59.917Z",
"host" => "",
"year" => "2016",
"month" => "04",
"day" => "14",
"env" => "dev",
"bucket" => "bucket1"
Just in case, here is the filter:
filter {
mutate {
add_field => {
"request_uri" => "%{[headers][request_path]}"
grok {
break_on_match => false # default behaviour is to stop matching after first match, we don't want that
match => { "@timestamp" => "%{NOTSPACE:date}T%{NOTSPACE:time}Z"} # break timestamp field into date and time
match => { "date" => "%{INT:year}-%{INT:month}-%{INT:day}"} # break date into year month and day fields
match => { "request_uri" => "/%{WORD:env}/%{NOTSPACE:bucket}"} # break request uri into environment and bucket fields
mutate {
remove_field => ["request_uri", "headers", "@version", "date", "time"]
It's a known issue that field variables aren't allowed in 'prefix'.