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Saving firebase ServerValue.TIMESTAMP on AutoValue POJOs

Android chat crashes on DataSnapshot.getValue() for timestamp

I'm trying to add a timestamp property to my POJO. The solution above tells jackson to ignore the real data member which is used by the application. I'm using AutoValue and can't figure out how I could annotate my class to get it to work.

public abstract class Pojo {

    @JsonProperty("id") public abstract String id();
    @JsonProperty("name") public abstract String name();
    @JsonProperty("date") public abstract long date();

    @JsonCreator public static Pojo create(String id, String name, long date) {
        return new AutoValue_Pojo(id, name, date);

I tried using a custom serializer:

public class TimeStampSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Long> {
    @Override public void serialize(Long value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {

but that wrote the string date: "{.sv=timestamp}" to firebase instead of generating the timestamp


  • Caught my mistake:

    public abstract class Pojo {
        @JsonProperty("id") public abstract String id();
        @JsonProperty("name") public abstract String name();
        //Custom serializer
        @JsonSerialize(using = TimestampSerializer.class) @JsonProperty("date") public abstract long date();
        @JsonCreator public static Pojo create(@JsonProperty("id") String id, @JsonProperty("name") String name, @JsonProperty("date") long date) {
            return new AutoValue_Pojo(id, name, date);
    public class TimestampSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Long> {
        @Override public void serialize(Long value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
            //Use writeObject() instead of writeString()