I wrote the following code in Qt creator. I was trying to sort a vector that contains mixed type with 2 QStrings and an integer. I used std::sort and its function mechanism to sort. At least in the output pre-sorting and post-sorting, it seems the sorting worked, but my question is, accurate and safe could it be?
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <QDebug>
class mixed
int number;
QString name;
QString address;
mixed(int n, QString s, QString a)
number = n;
name = s;
address = a;
bool myfunction (mixed i,mixed j) { return (i.number<j.number); }
int main()
myV.push_back(mixed(100, "akkas", "100"));
myV.push_back(mixed(2, "akkas1", "2"));
myV.push_back(mixed(1111, "akkas2", "1111"));
myV.push_back(mixed(-1, "akkas3", "-1"));
myV.push_back(mixed(7, "akkas4", "7"));
myV.push_back(mixed(0, "akkas0", "0"));
for(int i=0; i<myV.size(); i++)
qDebug()<<myV.at(i).number<<" "<<myV.at(i).name<<" "<<myV.at(i).address<<endl;
std::sort (myV.begin(), myV.end(), myfunction);
for(int i=0; i<myV.size(); i++)
qDebug()<<myV.at(i).number<<" "<<myV.at(i).name<<" "<<myV.at(i).address<<endl;
return 0;
can sort elements of any type so long as they're either copyable or movable. The comparison function provided must induce a strict weak ordering. Your comparison function is a valid strict weak ordering, which lumps all objects with equal number
into a single equivalence class. If the unsorted vector contains records with equal number
values, they will be adjacent in the sorted vector, but the order is unspecified.