I have API Gateway endpoint, which is actually mock endpoint. What I am trying to do is to make API to take Origin header from request and return the same value in response as Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
So far I've tried to do the following:
Invalid mapping expression specified: Validation Result: warnings : [], errors : [Invalid mapping expression specified: method.request.header.Origin]
integration.request and integration.response only prepare the input to and output from the integration response. Therefore the integration request only supports additional input from the method.request and the integration response only supports additional input from the method response definitions.
Mapping the method.request parameters to method.response is currently not supported but definitely a valid and useful use case. I'll add it to our backlog, but unfortunately cannot commit to a timeline for when we plan on delivering this feature enhancement.
As a workaround, you could pass the Origin header to your integration endpoint which simply mirrors the input and passes it back to API Gateway. This way you should be able to return the value of the Origin request header as an Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header.
Hope this helps,
Jurgen, API Gateway