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winjs windows 10 application taskbar icon

I have a problem with windows taskbar icon/logo size and background. my problem is all windows store app I saw, have smaller icon than normal windows programs. i want to know is there any way to have normal icon for winJS Apps, like other windows programs or microsoft Default Apps

and Is there any way to remove system accent color from background of our app? Without adding full-color image in manifest logo section as you can see in below image there is huge difference between store Apps and microsoft or normal desktop Apps in the taskbar.

if there is no way, I hope microsoft will fix this because, even if we have a good icon this difference between store apps and other apps can effect on our app usage.

image of windows 10 taskbar


  • finally, I find the complete answer, also many thanks to Tobiah Zarlez.

    for have similar Icon to Normal desktop app / and Microsoft apps, like (Mail, Photos, Xbox etc) see following image . . .

    image link of what you should do to have Normal icon in windows 10 store app

    in this process:

    1. for taskbar icon go to "Square 30x30 Logo"
    2. you should fill all 8 images section in there.
    3. in visual studio open " Solution Explorer "
    4. Just change name format of the .targetsize images like this . . .

      Square30x30Logo.targetsize-256.png →→ Square30x30Logo.targetsize-256_altform-unplated.png

    do it for all four image have ".targetsize" in "Square 30x30 Logo"

    note: don't add "_altform-unplated" for ".scale" images like this one →
