I am working in the Memsql::Streamliner::Transform (Python) utility. There is a transform method that must be overwritten to provide custom transform functionality.
def transform(self, sql_context, dataframe, logger):
is a byte array (JSON string).
How do I convert the byte array into a DataFrame with named columns?
Goal: Access individual columns within converted DataFrame.
you can access the underlying rdd with dataframe.rdd
and map over it to transform each byte string into a list containing your columns. you can turn the resulting rdd back into a dataframe with named columns by providing the column list as the second argument to createDataframe
Something like the following should work:
def parse(row):
bytestring = row[0]
json_data = convert_bytes_and_parse_json(bytestring)
return [ json_data["mycolumn1"], json_data["mycolumn2"] ]
parsedRDD = dataframe.rdd.map(parse)
parsedDf = sql_context.createDataframe(parsedRDD, ["mycolumn1", "mycolumn2"])
# now you can access columns by name